Have you heard about Metal free Zirconia implants?
Well, if you haven’t then now is the time to sit up and take note as hundreds of Sydney patients are now enjoying the benefits that come from this completely metal free implant option.
If you have missing or cracked teeth or looking to replace your dentures, then dental implants could be your ideal permanent solution.
Due to the rise of concerns over mercury used in dental fillings, many patients are partial to the idea of keeping metal out of their mouths entirely. Zirconia implants, a cutting- edge alternative that is completely metal free is being placed by one of Australia’s dental leaders and innovators, our own Dr Dean Licenblat of Sydney Dental Aesthetics, and Implants.
‘‘It used to be that people didn’t have much choice when it came to replacing teeth lost through trauma or decay”’ says Dr Dean Licenblat, principal dental surgeon at Sydney Dental Aesthetics & Implants (SDAI) and head lecturer of Australasian Implant Academy (AIA). “Not so long ago, implant dentistry required a hospital visit to undergo day surgery with a specialist. Now with advances in technology and technique, we are performing advanced implant surgery in 20 minutes in the dental surgery using twilight sedation’’ says Dr Licenblat.
Being one of the Zirconia implants pioneers, Dr Dean Licenblat introduced it to his patients in Sydney several years ago and has been placing them in more and more patients ever since. All materials used are biocompatible offering high acceptance rates with the body promoting osseointegration, which means bone can grow around the implant material just as it does around natural tooth roots.
“Zirconia implants are at the cutting edge of modern dental implantology. A patient who has a metal allergy or opts for a completely metal-free solution can replace missing or lost teeth without trauma to adjacent teeth,’’ says Dr Licenblat. ‘‘While titanium implants still remain the most commonly used implants, zirconia implants’ benefits make them more appealing because they are biocompatible, corrosion resistant, have a low plaque affinity and do not cause greying of the gums.” Explains Licenblat.
One of the few dental practitioners in Australia offering zirconia metal free implants, Dr Licenblat is a leader in his field, having undertaken a Master’s degree at Goethe University Frankfurt in Germany. He performs implant surgery dentistry at his practice in Sydney’s Martin Place on a daily basis and teaches the technique to dentists all around the world. Dr Licenblat is currently the head lecturer for the Australasian Academy of Implants (AIA) and a Founder of the Australian chapter of the prestigious and well- respected California Implant Institute. AIA offers dentists the opportunity to sharpen their skills in implantology through hands on courses with live patients.
Dentistry and implant dentistry will continue to evolve and change over the years and it is important that dentists keep learning and expanding their techniques and procedures. Today patients have more options and are able to select and embrace newer techniques and approaches that best suit their needs whilst helping them to enhance their health and wellbeing.
Learn more about Zirconia metal free implants here.
Are you interested in finding out more about dental implants and what options are suitable for you?
Please contact our friendly and experienced team today! Call (02) 9233 3301 or email info@sdai.com.au